
Poetry and other musings

Category: poetry


from your wrists
evening comes robed in silver laughter

your feet sing to the earth
her beaches, grained syllables
soft with time

against your lace the day
draws back
blue mountains, their dreams of cloud

your skin of honeyed stars,

your eyes of new moon;

your soul on steps to mine in slow kisses
along ropes of candles, filigree shadows,

where, amid columns of our whispers
we conjure this


desert love song



observe the artifacts of our kisses;

cities of song that bead a desert!

their high walls, coarse silk against daylight,

blush like skin under spangled capes of night


dressed in blurs of violin and flame

our laughter dances in city gates

our poetry bursts in doves from parapets

our high windows unfold the morning


grow around me, beloved,

let your jasmine talk to me of cool summers

sing of endless caravans under umbrella thorn

as our shadows fall against dunes

among countless embraces


look, your hands are my rivers,

they flow along restless verses,

tumble sweet words from depths

to drift into shallows

and sigh around our feet


dusk breathes us

we waltz sinuous spines of evening

i weave saffron blossoms in your hair

your whisper the rain



ditty for love

at the white altars of failure

my hands sing their thirst of your skin

they sleep in tremors;

small quakes across deserted wrists


far away your eyes burn;

lanterns on hills of solemn beauty

you gather stars from night

and place them on rivers

in spangled tongues, bridges of joy

between earth and sky


you glide to disturb them like a swan

graceful punctuation free from coarse mountain lips

silencing wide maws of time


the dark earth

holds me to you


you speak the alabaster moon,

wait for my hands to open

like rolled leaves


and you kiss them




forgiveness 1

without f.


there will be nothing,


no evidence of pain

no birthday fusiliers,

stirred geometry beneath trees


your breath will not hold butterflies

nor your hands the rain,


in meaty grimaces

parapets, shadow puppets,

all good smells wash away


roots embrace you

as you wear an old day

of muddy feet


at night

amid rubble of spring, dirty moons,

hate chews on its leash


right behind you




i would remember you with

hair sung of sunlight,

your shoulders small, free

from the world’s heavy heavy cape


laughter buoys us

along our afternoon

to the ocean of a bathing sun


there is a light that rests around us when we’re together,

my eyes hold your face, your hands your feet

as if to recognise a garden,

an old city from another life;

a room of evening


your eyes hold me;

candles to guide my feet

across our delicate bridges


your ageless beauty

circumscribes me;

we dance on our soft beaches,

wastes where eagles keep their vigil,

dark filigreed paths stars tread

to breathe on the face of the moon


our kisses overwhelm the world

we die and are resurrected in them,

our breath lingers in unspoken syllables,

blossom in aches of desire


rent from clothes, books, pieces of electric sky,

we draw the many curtains,

under canopies of eye lashes

and all barely contained by skin;


we word the unutterable


Girl As Forest

Girl As Forest

Girl As Forest


the forest heaviness rings in you like a bell

foot prints stutter wildly

clumps of lilies

your sweet displacements

a rhyme of rich mulch

stains in my blood





hands and laughter


i try to draw your hands

your thin hands of light and autumn

but they come out wrong

i laugh because only men who tremble will draw them

your hands make me tremble



i stutter along the fields

like wind i try to make violins of the grass

yet, here is your laughter

in rivers of afternoon


“look for my note”

you find my note


let us be a waltz of lanterns in a darkened street

~ the poet


i wait for you on white steps with singing lilies

in the bird of evening i hear your voice

behind curtains i hide candles, like smiles of young love


in an old language of starlight and shadow i call you

come to me, tired flock of starlings

bury the day in my arms, let fall your hair over my neck

kneel and drink from our pools, our breath

let us be moonlight on a field of wheat

send your hands to my chest in tremors

smother deserts of my mouth with red rain


you are a river above me

as i gather you from between stars

my hands course your smoothness

you rise a full moon


we spill from roofs with jasmine tongues

you slit the wrists of night




the seasons have readied me for your hands

for your mouth and the morning of your skin

they have hardened me for doves in your voice

like a hill i was broken for herds of your feet

you graze upon blossoms of my slumber


clouds rush me, easily fold me

the sun finds me naked, pins me to myself

rocks, hard shadows, come, cover me

my tongue sings the roots of forests


sightless fish swim me

drown me in white dreams of your wrists


sing, broken heart, sing!


i will listen

unspiral from my shell

in your acetylene maw burn


brighter than a sun